Harvest The Visible Blessings of The Full Moon of August 2024 Today And Tomorrow
The moon will be at its peak tomorrow 19 August 2024. It is a special full moon where we can see from the shinning light of the full moon, all our blessings that are ripe, ready to be activated, actualised, experienced and lived. This full moon is very grounded and practical, where we will receive practical guidance, actions, insights that will enable us to enliven our blessings, gifts, talents, skills that are ready to serve us and all of existence for the next coming years.
This full moon will illuminate and allow us to see, shift, embrace, embody and transform specific areas of our life, so we can truly and authentically be who we are, sharing our gifts, talents and skills with the world. We can share our uniqueness, our speciality, the things we do and the way we do them with the world. We are all equally important, unique and carry gifts to share with the world.
You are uniquely important. Your gifts, skills, talents are very much valuable and desirable in the world. That is why you are here to shine your light brightly for all to see, and to remind all to shine there light too.
This particular full moon, will present an opportunity in this lifetime, for us to consciously collectively fully embody, embrace, welcome, enjoy, activate
The reflections are so that collectively, we don’t repeat mistakes of the past. By respecting, honouring and looking back to inform the future from the present. It is not about being stuck in the past, or dwelling on the past, but choosing to consciously look back to see what worked, what didn’t, how we can do things differently, how we can change things. How we can embrace the spirit of the time, (I.e. technology, social media, mass migration etc..) to further the growth of the universe, in a way that is in alignment with the highest level of true love, peace and freedom. For the benefits and highest purpose of all.
The video below was created yesterday the 17th of August, so please be mindful it says full moon in 2 days. Kindly share the video, with anyone you know will benefit from it. Here is LINK to the video as well.
Am feeling called to share a live collective full moon gathering, at 7pm London UK time on full moon day 19 August, for an hour. It will be a session for all of us, so together we will make it happen. If you would like to join,
reply to this email;
or send an email via the contact form on the website here;
or message through WhatsApp +447809826766
A zoom link 🔗 will be sent out to you. Ire O! Many Blessings
Full moon vibes is here
I am also as usual, doing readings and guidance sessions today and tomorrow. Working with the illumination of the full moon, to accelerate the visible areas of your life coming into fruition. These sessions are potent, powerful and mystical, because of the nature of working with nature, and the natural illumination of the moon, in a way to receive an accelerated impression, imprint that will activate and guide you, to actualise and live out your gifts, and blessings as quickly as possible.
It will guide you on the quickest most effective path to take, to your current quest/actualization. You can book this reading and guiding session, working with the full moon only today and tomorrow. Kindly book through any of the messaging methods mentioned above. Wishing you a lovely rest of the day. And an abundance week ahead full of health, wealth, wellness, love and Joy
Peace & Pure Divine Unconditional Love Always
Queen Oluwatobiloba
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