Mythology, Mysticism & Magic. A 7 Part Journey. Part 1: The Story of Hanuman
The story of Hanuman. Have you ever had about Hanuman? Do you know any stories of Hanuman? Hanuman is usually depicted in the traditional Hindu story as a half monkey half human Hindu god with super or special powers. One of the qualities of Hanuman is that he uses his special powers in service to others. According to this writing
“Because Hanuman uses
his powers in the service of others he has come to symbolise the perfect Hindu who has lots of special qualities but is not selfish with them, and uses his abilities to help people.”
In Part 1, Will be talking about the story of Hanuman. In this journey, you will travel with hanuman and his incredible strength, and if you so wish, you will be able to ask Hanuman to strengthen you, especially if you are at a point in life where you need physical, mental or spiritual strength in any area of your life. If you do more research or read different stories of Hanuman, you will see, or have a sense, or realise Hanuman is a compassionate devoted god to the ones he serves and protects. He is usually a symbolism of strong strength, devotion to service, and unconditional love, as depicted in the stories and images of Hanuman lifting a mountain.
Hanuman Lifting A Mountain Picture
Why am I telling you the mythological stories of Hanuman? Hanuman first became part of my consciousness, during the journey of becoming a yoga teacher and taking up yoga, as part of a spiritual and physical devotional practice for health and wellbeing. For many years now, yoga has become part of the lifestyle that strengthens, supports, enhances my health and wellbeing, not just spiritually and physically, but also emotionally, psychologically, mentally and truly all areas of my life. Yoga is a devotional practice, in its essence it simply means union, oneness. To be one with all, and complete with the self. It is a deeply profound way of living, yet it can be easy to access nowadays with the popularity of the physical practice, but challenging to continuously practice and live the ways on a daily basis.
Some of the strong physical practice of yoga like Astanga or some vinyasa yoga, can be very challenging to take up, continue and sometimes even progress on the path. But really, the path of yoga is more profound and carries certain magic, mysticism and mythologies that is usually only revealed to the devoted practitioners. The strong physical practice of yoga like Astanga, requires steadfastness, devotion, stamina, strength, flexibility and a dedication to love. Love of ones body, wellbeing, mental health, health, wellness… and a love that is far beyond the self. Like a cosmic love ( a love for all that exists in the universe and a oneness with it all). You see love in its essence is not divided, love is one. Always one, when you truly love yourself, you love all that exists in the universe.
You understand how your being, actions, thoughts, all of you creates an impact in existence. This understanding and sometimes wisdom, becomes a guiding force for how you show up in the world, for how you truly live life. For example consciously choosing to live peacefully, by understanding how feeling pain can cause one to take actions or do things that may not be beneficial to others, or cause others to feel pain too.
In modern times, hanuman can represent strength, mobility, flexibility and even creativity. Hanuman can guide you during challenging times so you are strong, confident and believe in yourself to find a magical way to overcome the challenges.
Offering - Peace Instead of Pain
Starting Sunday 10th of November. From 2pm to 4pm Eastern Time, 7pm to 9pm UK time, I will be offering a 4 weeks online program. Peace instead of pain is a program that will empower and provide you with tools to deal with pain and challenging times. It will be a join to heal old pain that you may have not properly processed, and to collect healthy tools to address pain peacefully. Pain is part of life, but suffering is choice. Living in a peaceful state and cultivating a peaceful state boasts health and wellness in all areas of life. You will learn systems and collect tools that will help you to deal with challenging situations. This 4 weeks affordable program will be for 4 consecutive Sundays, starting from the 10th of November 2024. reply to this email to book your place on this online group program. It will be a great program for closing the year peacefully, and to start thinking how to start and live 2025 in a peaceful state. Ire o! Many Blessings
Queen Oluwatobiloba
The Bhagavhad Gita is a great book to read, study and learn about traditional Hindu mythology and its significant and symbolism for the areas of consciousness, yoga, and duty.
The Story of Hanuman. Durham University. Accessed 03/11/2024. Available Online At:
Gratitude, Mountain Tops and Grains of Sand: The Bhakti Beat’s Wish List, by Request. The Bhakti Beat. Accessed 03/11/2024. Available Online At:
Lord Ganesha: his birth story, symbolism meaning and practice. Online With Amma. Accessed 03/11/2024. Available Online At:
Astanga. Kino MacGregor. Accessed 03/11/2024. Available Online At:
Hanumanasana: Take a Flying Leap. Hugger Mugger. Accessed 03/11/2024. Available Online At: Take a Flying Leap. Hugger Mugger