The Story of Spider Woman
“She spun a delicate web, each thread a manifestation of her power and grace. With every intricate weave, she nourishes, grows, and sustains, breathing life into what she desires. Her web is a sanctuary, a sacred

Trust In Who You Are
As I write this, I feel a profound stillness within me—a deep well of water that rests at the bottom of my soul, reflecting the depths of our collective humanity. It is calm, but the stillness is powerful, mirroring the echoes of our shared pain, fear, and longings. Our

Praise Yourself, Encourage Yourself, Self Compassion and Unconditional Self Love
As we step into this new year, my prayer for you is that 2025 becomes the year you set yourself free — free to be happy, joyful, healthy, blessed, rich, wealthy, prosperous, and everything that lights your soul on fire. I pray that every day this year, when you wake up, you praise yourself, encourage yourself, be compassionate with yourself, and love yourself unconditionally.

Unconditional Self Love
Unconditional Self-Love is opening, healing, and connecting with your heart, allowing you to always be your own best support system. It means loving yourself deeply, without conditions, and living from a place of love for yourself no matter what challenges or circumstances arise in your life.

Mythology, Mysticism & Magic. A 7 Part Journey. Part 1: The Story of Hanuman
The story of Hanuman. Have you ever had about Hanuman? Do you know any stories of Hanuman? Hanuman is usually depicted in the traditional Hindu story as a half monkey half human Hindu god with super or special powers. One of the qualities of Hanuman is that he uses his special powers in service to others

Going From Scared to Sacred - Understanding the source of Fear and Anxiety
Anxiety, fear, stress, worry are all part of the same family of energy. These energies are different forms of disturbances, disEASEs (not at ease) that steals away peace of mind, joy, happiness, truth, calmness and focus. It covers up the truth of who you are, it covers up the universal program of unconditional love

The Healing And Miraculous Power of Prayers
Do you pray? By praying I don’t mean it has to be religious or spiritual. I mean praying to the highest power, the one you believe guides you, the one you speak to when things don’t go according to plan. I mean the one you secretly ask for help, when you have exhausted all of your might and power.

888 Live Channeling And Connection From The Sacred Spiritual Land of Glastonbury England UK
On 888 (08/08/2024), I will be channeling messages, insights and information coming in from the Divine realm, for you and every individual (as a collective) that signs up to the special unique 888 offering. This channeling and connection will be from the sacred spiritual ancestral land of Glastonbury.
I will be on the world famous sacred land of Glastonbury, a powerful sacred spiritual center in England UK, also known to be a strong heart chakra center, the summer season of August as it currently is in England, is also known to be connected with our heart center.

New Moon Blessings And Rituals
Today the 4th of August is new moon day. New moon blessings to you. Every 28 days or there about, the moon renews its cycle. The new moon is the start of a new cycle. Traditionally this is a time for new beginnings, new projects, to start something new. Working with the energy of the new moon, adds natural energy from nature, to add extra support and make it easier to achieve what the new beginnings.

Fear Is A Great Teacher Most People Are Afraid To Learn From. The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and Mysteries
The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and mysteries. Never be afraid of the darkness! Never be afraid of the unknown! Fear can kill before one realizes none of it was true, that none of it made sense. Fear can make things appear bigger than they are, closer than they are, more conscious than they are. Fear can create mountains where there is a flowing stream, it can create a dry land, a desert where there is peace and tranquility. Fear can even create the fear of fear itself, where the chain…..

4 Days No Food No Water In The Mountain
Perhaps you were wondering why you no email came into your inbox last Sunday. Perhaps you did not even notice the absence of the email. I love to share much of my work, life and ways freely with you all through this channel. It is really a joy for me to seat and write from the heart to you all.

What you create with your thoughts is what you will live out
You are not your thoughts, but your thoughts can become your reality. It is true, the wish of any thought, according to one of the teachers that enliven’s me on this journey of life, is to be manifested into physical reality. Saying that again “the wish of any thought is to be manifested into physical reality”. What does this mean? And how does it relate to creating your physical reality?

Money - Financial Abundance Is Your Divine Right
As we all know in the material world, money is the main form of energy exchange agreed upon by many. Of course in smaller places, situations or cases, other forms of exchange may be agreed upon. But widely, generally, money is the universal form of exchange. Money allows us to live, engage in the material world in a way that may benefits us. Money allows us to live a meaningful life. Money is a living currency, that can transform and change the life’s of many.
Are You Truly Confident?
Confidence is a container that holds many different sounds, words, feelings, sensations, emotions, experiences and thoughts for many of us. In a world where performance, fakery, pretentiousness, keeping up appearances and the likes, seems to be the go to for most, true confidence needs no words.

Waited For The New Moon To Write This Post
Sunday is usually the day I dedicate to sending out this free newsletter to all. Why Sunday? You may ask, it is the day where I can truly give energy, love and knowing to sharing the things I love that are meaningful, healing and knowledgeable to others.